Supporting App for AXL | Installation Notes

2 - Install the app

Important note!

You need to have an on-prem Splunk Instance to run the Supporting App for AXL.

Install the Supporting App for AXL into Splunk

  1. Log into the on-prem Splunk instance mentioned above.
  2. Get to the Manage Apps page – either using the Apps menu at the top left of most pages in Splunk, or by going back to the Launcher” app and clicking manage apps at the bottom left.
  3. Click the green button to Browse more apps in the upper right.
  4. Search for Sideview and you’ll see the Supporting App for AXL listed, click on it.
    1. You should be able to just click Install” and it will prompt you to restart Splunk after. If you see the app from that page but you don’t seem to be able to Install it, please contact us.
    2. Note also that your password here is your Splunk​.com password, not your local system’s password.
  5. ALTERNATIVE: If your Splunk admins have locked down your instance such that it can’t talk to Splunkbase, then you can download the tar.gz direct from Splunkbase and save it locally. Then in that same Manage Apps” page from above you’ll see an Install App From File” button. Click that and follow the prompts.

Install the Supporting App for AXL app’s AXL Toolkit Files

Note: We will refer to the directory in which Splunk is installed as “$SPLUNKHOME”. On Linux this is generally “/​opt/​splunk/​” whereas on windows it is generally C:\Program Files\Splunk\”.

  1. Copy the three files AXLAPI.wsdl, AXLEnums.xsd and AXLSoap.xsd from the temporary directory where you extracted them before, to your $SPLUNKHOME/​etc/​apps/​SA_​cisco_​cdr_​axl/​bin/​ folder on the on-prem Splunk instance where you’ve installed the app.
    • They can be deployed via most other generally accepted” Splunk deployment methods as well – deployment server, deployer, puppet, etc…
  2. Restart Splunk!

Note for folks with multiple clusters: If you have multiple clusters with different product versions that you are going to use with AXL, you’ll need to repeat the steps above for the additional AXL toolkit files.

  • You can leave one set in the base $SPLUNKHOME/​etc/​apps/​SA_​cisco_​cdr_​axl/​bin/​
  • For each of any others you need, create a directory like $SPLUNKHOME/​etc/​apps/​SA_​cisco_​cdr_​axl/​bin/12.5 and put the new files there.

Configure the Supporting App for AXL app’s AXL credentials.

  1. Log into the on-prem Splunk instance.
  2. Open the Supporting App for AXL app.
  3. Click Update credentials at the top.
  4. Enter the publisher host, the port (generally 8443) and the username and password for the AXL user you created previously.
    If this host can/​will use the base” AXL toolkit files in the $SPLUNKHOME/​etc/​apps/​SA_​cisco_​cdr_​axl/​bin directory, you can leave that field blank.
    If on the other hand you have multiple AXL toolkit files required and this entry needs to use a different directory, put in the folder name relative to the bin directory. 
  5. Click Create to create the credentials.

If you have multiple clusters that you are going to use with AXL, continue to add credentials for each and if they need different AXL toolkit files, be sure to enter their paths as appropriate.

Configure the Clusters setup in the Cisco CDR app

One of the only steps you need to perform in the Cisco CDR Reporting and analytics app — 

  1. Log into your Cisco CDR Reporting and Analytics app (on prem or in cloud)
  2. Click our Settings menu, then Define clusters and locales
  3. On that page’s About tab, confirm the list of clusters looks current and correct, then click the Push to CSV” button.
  4. Switch to the Edit/​Delete Clusters tab
  5. For each cluster in the list, 
    1. edit the axlHost” field and paste in the same publisher host as you used when configuring the credentials above. (No port or other information, just the FQDN, IP or short hostname of the host so that it matches).
    2. Click the Update” button for that row.
    3. Repeat for each cluster.

While you are in there, you may want to fill out the other information for each cluster too!


Try the following to confirm everything is set up correctly:

  1. Open the Supporting App for AXL app.
  2. Click on our Search navigation item near the top.
  3. Use one of the following two searches to test with.
    1. If you have hardphones, try:
      | ciscoaxl listPhone name="SEP%" columns="name,description"
    2. If you have only jabber devices, try
      | ciscoaxl listPhone name="CSF%" columns="name,description"

If all is set up correctly, in a few moments (maybe minutes!) you should be presented with a list of all hardphones or jabber devices.

NOTE if your CUCM deployment is enormous you might want to filter that test down to a smaller subset of phones by changing SEP%” to something more targeted. For instance SEP0123%” will only match hardphones phones that have MAC addresses starting with 0123”. Or something like CSF*” would find all Windows Jabber clients.

Next Steps

The last step is to Populate the devices lookup.


Installation Notes
Installation Notes
Installation Notes
Installation Notes