Cisco CDR Reporting & Analytics | Installation Notes

Microsoft Teams

If you all use Microsoft Teams for placing and receiving phone calls, and you’re using at least version 7.0 of the Cisco CDR app, you can integrate this data today and get it up and running in the Investigate Calls and Chart UI.

  • First, install our Supporting App for Microsoft Teams either by doing an in-product install from your Splunk Instance (Apps > Manage Apps > Browse more apps) or by downloading the tar.gz from Splunkbase and installing manually (Apps > Manage Apps > Install app from file).
  • Most of your time doing this will be following the following steps in Splunk Lantern:
    Getting start with Microsoft Teams call record data using Azure Functions
    This method uses a HEC input in your Splunk system and it is compatible with both Splunk Cloud and Splunk Enterprise.
    Note that when setting up the HEC input, you can control what indexes this data gets sent to. It is easiest to use the same index as your Cisco CDR data, which by default is cisco_cdr.

  • Once that data is coming in to Splunk, navigate to the Cisco CDR app and then to​“Admin > Enable/​Disable Data Types”. 

  • You should now see​“Teams” as an option in the dropdown — select it and it will now appear in the table below,

  • Submit the form.

Now return to the Investigate Calls page and you should see a new pulldown option titled​“through” that has both​“CUCM” and also​“Teams”. You can leave both selected or pick just one at a time.

  • Note that the fields available in Teams data have some overlap with the CUCM field names, but generally the space of fields is different so you will have to experiment with the Edit Fields” button. Try adding callingPartyName” for starters.

Have fun — and we really would appreciate it if you let us know what you think!


Installation Notes
Installation Notes
Installation Notes
Installation Notes