
We built a special page just for investigating devices and the calls they’ve made.

With a little more care and feeding, you can get all device-level information from UCM at your fingertips in the Cisco CDR app, as though those fields and values were in the raw data. Split by department or phone model, and find how many phones that userid is consuming.

Is this you? Just a few Devices issues that can be answered with Sideview.

You need a list of all devices and their call stats, including ones that haven’t received a call in 6 months.

You dream of having call stats by hardphone model, with drilldown.

You have unanswered questions about Jabber and softphone utilization.

You want to track device utilization across the enterprise, but by business unit, location, etc.

Users are breaking process and using the wrong phones, but it’s been hard to quantify.

You have certain very expensive devices and too many unanswered questions around them. 

Investigate and analyze beyond Cisco CallManager data.

Our Cisco CDR Reporting & Analytics App Lets You…
  • Find and filter all unused devices in your organization.
  • Build custom reporting from your device findings.
  • Investigate the usage of a specific phone series.

“Saved us hours of troubleshooting, thanks to the accuracy of queries and expertise of the support engineers.”

– Rebecca Wilks, Unified Communications Engineer II, City of Henderson

Download a 90-day free trial & work with your own live data

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