Sideview was born in 2010 when its founder, Nick Mealy, saw an overlooked opportunity standing right in front of him. This was to take the flexibility and power of Splunk over into a dataset that technically wasn’t even “Big Data” at all.
As one of the engineers who first built Splunk, he knew that just as remarkable as its scaling abilities were Splunk’s abilities to give users flexible and usable charts and dashboards. And it was this power that could turn a space like CallManager analytics upside down.
With every dead-end opened up, with every painful Excel charting task abandoned, a new convert would be created, with more questions and more places they wanted to drive to in their data.
Now a decade later, we teach people to drive the tank around in their data. And we get to hear their reaction as they realize that, much like a tank, there really isn’t anywhere it can’t go.