Supporting App for AXL | Installation Notes

1 - Configure UCM

Enable the AXL Web Service

Check that the Cisco AXL Web Service (in Unified Serviceability / Tools / Control Center — Feature Services) is started and running. 

Create group AXL Service Users”

  1. Switch to Cisco Unified CM Administration if you are still in Unified Serviceability.
  2. Click User Management > User Settings > Access Control Group.
  3. Click the Add New button.
  4. Type in AXL Service Users for the name and click Save.
  5. Click Go (in the upper right) to go Back to Find/​List”.
  6. Click Find to find and display the AXL Service Users group we just created.
  7. To the right of the newly created Access Control Group AXL Service Users, click the i” button under Roles.
  8. Click the button Assign Role to Group.
  9. In the Find and List Roles” window, click Find to have it display all available Roles
  10. Click the checkbox beside Standard AXL API Access.
    (Note — do not select Standard AXL Read Only API Access”. Although this sounds promising it will not result in working access and we are not sure why. We do have a layer of blacklist and whitelist logic that by default prevents admins from running destructive commands.)
  11. At either the very top of the page or the very bottom, click Add Selected.
  12. Click Save.

Create an AXL-enabled user

  1. Make sure you are in Cisco Unified CM Administration.
  2. Click User Management > Application User.
  3. Click the Add New button.
  4. Supply a user name and an appropriate password. Remember these, we’ll need them later.
  5. For that user, down near the bottom find Add to Access Control Group
  6. In the new Find and List Access Control Groups” window, click the checkbox beside AXL Service Users
    • If you’d like to use this user for additional specific device detail via risport, also add them to the group Standard CCM Phone Administration
  7. At the bottom of the page, click Add Selected.
  8. When returned to the Application User Configuration page, click Save.

Retrieve the needed files from UCM

Cisco’s licensing does not allow redistribution of the portions of the Cisco Call Manager AXL SQL Toolkit Plugin, so we can’t provide it with the CDR app. Instead, see the below instructions to retrieve the toolkit and extract and deploy the required files.

  1. Make sure you are in Cisco Unified CM Administration.
  2. Go to Application > Plugins
  3. Click the Find button once (with default parameters) to populate the list.
  4. Click on the Download link by the
    • Cisco AXL Toolkit (newer versions).
    • Cisco CallManager AXL SQL Toolkit Plugin (older versions)
    • (In both cases, it’s often the first download listed)
  5. Save the file onto your local system in a convenient place.
  6. Extract file to your local system.
  7. Drill down into axlsqltoolkit/schema/<UCM version>/
    (For instance axlsqltoolkit/schema/11.5/ )
  8. Move/​copy the three files you find there – AXLAPI.wsdl, AXLEnums.xsd and AXLSoap.xsd – into a temporary local folder so they’re easy to get to.

Next Steps

Next up is to Install the AXL app into Splunk next to the Cisco CDR Reporting and Analytics app.


Installation Notes
Installation Notes
Installation Notes
Installation Notes