Cisco CDR Reporting & Analytics | Installation Notes

Install Step 3, Data Collection

Step 3: Data Collection

Note — we use the Splunk term $SPLUNK_HOME to denote the base install path of Splunk or the Splunk forwarder. On a Windows server, this is usually C:\Program Files\Splunk or C:\Program Files\Splunkuniversalforwarder. On Linux it’s usually /​opt/​splunk or /​opt/​splunkforwarder.

Prepare the host to which UCM will SFTP files

Next, we recommend the following steps, where you’ll set up a small separate host that will receive the files from CUCM via SFTP, and will forward them onto your Splunk instance via the Splunk Universal Forwarder.

However, on-premise folks (e.g. ones not in cloud) with only a single Splunk instance should know that it’s a fine option to simply SFTP the files directly to the main Splunk host. If you choose to do that instead, then in our app’s Admin” menu there’s an item Set up data inputs” which you can run to set up a local data input and then you would skip the rest of this page.

Set up this little intermediate host

  • Find or build a small virtual machine or system with an SFTP server and the Splunk Universal Forwarder
    • This would preferably be *nix, because then a compatible SFTP server is built right into the OS.
    • But if you need to, you can use Windows, and for SFTP something like the SolarWinds SFTP server, FileZilla Server, or others.
  • Download and install the Splunk Universal Forwarder (UF) on this host. You can get the UF by going to https://​www​.splunk​.com/​e​n​_​u​s​/​d​o​w​n​l​o​a​d​.html, and scrolling far down until you see Universal Forwarder.
  • Then follow the steps specific to your platform:
    Splunk installation on Linux vs Splunk installation on Windows
  • NOTE: Do NOT try to ingest the CDR data at installation time! We’ll do that later, and doing it now will not work

Configuring the UF to send data to your Splunk instance

Install the TA_​cisco_​cdr” app on this Splunk forwarder

  • Download the TA_​cisco_​cdr app from Splunkbase here: https://​splunkbase​.splunk​.com/​a​p​p​/​4434/ and save the tar.gz file on the UF system.
  • From a terminal/​cmd session, run the following command to install the app:
    $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk install app <filename>
  • Do not at this time restart the forwarder, we will do that in a later step.

At this point, you should have a small VM or host running, with a Splunk Universal Forwarder installed, and that UF should have a directory at $SPLUNK_​HOME/​etc/​apps/​TA_​cisco_​cdr/​…

Setting up the input itself

  1. Create the input by adding this config to an inputs.conf file located at “$SPLUNK_​HOME/​etc/​apps/​TA_​cisco_​cdr/​local/inputs.conf”. You may need to create the folder​“local” and the file itself. Make sure the user Splunk runs under has permissions to this file and folder.
  2. Choose a path on the filesystem for the files to live after they’ve been SFTP’ed and just before the UF sends them to Splunk and deletes them. Remember this path for later. Note that on linux you will need to make sure that the user that will be running the Universal Forwarder, needs both write and execute permissions on the directory. If you only give it write permissions then it will not be able to delete the files and this would lead to a nasty problem after a day or a week.
  3. To that file, add the following contents depending on your UF’s Operating System:
    1. for Linux or Unix, the contents of inputs.conf will look like these — with the /​path/​to/​files/​pointing to the folder where your SFTP server saves the files:
      index = cisco_cdr
      sourcetype = cucm_cdr
      index = cisco_cdr
      sourcetype = cucm_cmr
    2. for Windows, the contents of inputs.conf will look like these — with the D:\path\to\files\ pointing to the folder where your SFTP server saves the files:
      index = cisco_cdr
      sourcetype = cucm_cdr
      index = cisco_cdr
      sourcetype = cucm_cmr

Important Notes:

  • Be careful with your direction of and count of slashes. Use the examples as a reference.
  • Remember that on Linux the user that will be running the Forwarder needs both write and also execute permissions on the directory in which the CDR files will sit.
  • By design, this input will index and then delete files immediately. If this is a concern, please see our documentation regarding Sinkhole vs. Monitor Inputs.

The data collection node is now set up and ready to receive files and forward those into Splunk. The last piece, in order to get data coming in, is to now set up UCM to send files to this host.


Installation Notes
Installation Notes
Installation Notes
Installation Notes