Cisco CDR Reporting & Analytics | Installation Notes
The Cisco CDR app can automatically infer “device type” field values on each call leg, based on the device names. Many of these are defined in the app by default. EG: device names with an “SEP” prefix followed by a mac address are assigned a device type of “hardphone”.
You can also use a simple interface within the app itself to add your own custom device types. The benefits of this are a little surprising! Certainly the ability to define custom device types can be useful in and of itself for filtering. However setting one of these rules will also force the app to treat everything on that side as “internal”. This doesn’t mean just the devices but also party numbers, names and other extracted fields. Even on call legs where CUCM is certain that those devices are trunks or gateways and thus “outside”.
To see if you’re having this class of problem, navigate in the app to “Investigate Gateways/Trunks”. Do you see devices listed there that you don’t think of as trunks or gateways and that don’t even feel like “outside” devices at all? If so then they represent a good custom device type to try adding.