Customer Testimonials

“In the past, we’d tried competing products that cost more, didn’t cover as many clusters, and required more management on our end. With our company’s existing Splunk deployment, it was a no-brainer to move to Sideview’s CDR Reporting and Analytics App, which finally enabled us to do more at a lower cost.”

– Matthew Bliss, Unified Communications Engineer, Booz Allen Hamilton

“Recently, the City of Henderson was troubleshooting an intermittent issue with call quality. These instances were proving impossible to capture in any traditional fashion. That is until we discovered the Cisco CDR Reporting and Analytics App contained multiple call quality metrics. 

Using call examples given by our end users, we were able to utilize the Cisco CDR Reporting and Analytics App to isolate the instances, pull appropriate logs for Cisco, and ultimately identify a piece of hardware in our environment that was causing the issues. 

An added benefit to the Sideview/​Cisco CDR Reporting and Analytics App is that we were able to work directly with their support group and are now able to proactively monitor calls for this condition, rather than wait for end users to report issues. The Sideview product saved us countless hours of troubleshooting, thanks to the accuracy of these queries and the expertise of the support engineers. Thank you!”

– Rebecca Wilks, Unified Communications Engineer II, City of Henderson NV

“We purchased the Cisco CDR Reporting App to respond to requests for usage data reports from our customers. We’ve seen that with this tool we can create many reports about our system at the push of a button, for which we previously spent hours gathering data.”

– Christoph Rölli, Unified Communications and Collaboration Engineer, Fenaco

“A few years ago, my company invested in a Cisco phone system, which was the first time I’d worked with one. When it came to selecting a reporting solution, I started from scratch and found available built-in options too restrictive. Luckily, an internet search led me to Splunk, and ultimately Sideview. 

Nick and Rich are fantastic! I primarily work with Rich, who has an unbelievable knowledge of Splunk. I can contact him about a specific report I need, and within a day he schedules a video call and walks me through the steps. By the end of the call, I have exactly what I need in my hands! This is some of the best customer support I’ve experienced in my 30-year career.”

– Chris Bambas, IT Manager, Southwest Network

“I was looking for a CDR software package to assist with troubleshooting calls and providing detailed insights and kept running into options that were more focused on other solutions like accounting. Finally, I found the software app I was searching for: Sideview has allowed me to set up alerts and reporting that meet my specific needs.”

– Tracy Steele, Network Services Engineer, Saint Luke’s Health System

“As a VoIP Specialist in my current environment, I have found that the Cisco CDR Reporting and Analytics app has been extremely beneficial in monitoring, troubleshooting, and capacity planning for our voice network. As a troubleshooting tool, the app allows us to easily search for (and read!) Cisco call detail records to find call routing problems that were reported at earlier times, but in which we were not able to duplicate the problem, i.e. troubles that occur due to an oversubscribed circuit. 

The Reports and Capacity planning tools in the latest version help us to accurately predict voice traffic so we can size trunk groups appropriately (to prevent troubles like the one mentioned above). By using the valuable data that we are getting from the app, we have been able to make adjustments to our entire call routing model that will save us well above the amount we invested in app. 

The tools themselves would not be as effective if we did not get the upfront and fantastic customer service from the Sideview team. They are knowledgeable, responsive, and more than willing to help us get the most out of the tools; in some cases, applying updates to requests on the same day. I recommend Sideview and the app to all my colleagues. Thanks, Sideview team!”

– Frank A. – Network Engineer – Healthcare IT

“In my 15 years of dealing with call details records (CDR), I had my share of sheer frustration because of the lack of available tools for CDR, and I must have demoed most (if not all) CDR management and reporting tools, all in search of the one that can mine through the endless CDR details and generate meaningful reports. 

My search ended when I found the Sideview app last year. Sideview successfully managed to create a tool that is not only easy to learn and use but covers a wide array of reports’ needs, from the basic single-call search to complex reports to establish trends and identify anomalies. Not to mention the excellent customer and support services. Thank you for the excellent work.”

– Sam Kobesy Network-Telecom Engineer – Teradata Corporation

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