Cisco CDR Reporting & Analytics | Installation Notes

Installation Notes


Whether or not you have Splunk Enterprise or Splunk Cloud already, setting up the app and getting data flowing in from CUCM is fairly easy and quick. Many people get through all 4 steps in about 30 minutes.

If you don’t have Splunk – don’t worry, we’ll walk you through that as well.

If any questions come up or you get stuck, don’t worry there either – just email us at support@​sideviewapps.​com.

For quick reference, here is the entire list of steps:

  1. Install Step 1: Set up Splunk
  2. Install Step 2: Set up Sideview Apps
  3. Install Step 3: Data Collection
  4. Install Step 4UCM
  5. What Now?

First stop – setting up Splunk itself.


Installation Notes
Installation Notes
Installation Notes
Installation Notes